Everything you want to know about crow nests

Spring marks one of my favorite times of year.  Cherry blossoms abound, the rain smell sweet and the birds get busy putting their carpentry skills to good use. Starting early March, the silhouettes of crows with bill loads of timber or wads of soft material dot the skies as they shuttle back and forth to their nest tree. Like a townhouse development, these construction projects are over in the blink of an eye and soon, their bill loads of twigs will be replaced by food for their mate and, eventually, their insatiable young. Spotting these nests is both a great way to observe and engage with your local crow family and avoid unpleasant conflicts with protective crow parents.  With a little knowledge and a bit of practice, tracking down your resident crow nest will become one of your favorite spring traditions in no time.

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Nest construction and site selection

Nest construction begins in early March and will continue (as nests fail) through about June. It takes 1-2 weeks to finish a nest after which the female will lay a clutch of 2-6 eggs. Unlike similarly sized squirrel nests (aka: dreys) which are made of leaves, crow nests are made mostly of pencil-width twigs. A new nest is usually about 1.5 ft across and 8-10 in deep.  After the bulk of construction is complete, they’ll line the cup of the nest with soft materials like grass, tree bark, moss, flowers, paper or fur. Once we saw a crow ripping out the hair of an outdoor mannequin, no doubt to use as lining material.


A crow gathers moss off the branches of a big leaf maple to use as lining material.  


This bird toyed with this branch for a few minutes before rejecting it and letting it fall to the ground.  


A sidewalk littered with twigs is good evidence that the nearby deciduous tree is a favorite among the local crows to pull branches from.  I’ve only once seen a crow try and retrieve a branch it dropped, so these are all rejects.  

Crows will nest in an astounding array of places, from the eaves of skyscrapers to the crooks of well concealed tree limbs. They can tower in the sky or be almost within reach. Most commonly, I see them built close to the trunk in the top third of Doug fir trees, but this is, of course, specific to the PNW.  Both partners participate in nest construction. Helpers will aid to some degree but most of the work is left to the parents.


Differences among corvids

Crow, jay and raven nests are similar in shape and material but differ in overall size in accordance with the size of the bird. The main standout are magpies,  which build incredible domed-shaped nests the size of a large beach ball.  The nests require so much material, they can take as much as 40 days to build.  Japanese jungle crows are another species of note, as they have a (relatively) new and problematic habit of building nests out of wire hangers and causing massive blackouts.


A Jungle crow nest in urban Japan. Photo: Götz


The magpie’s nest is the big clump in the middle of the tree.


The life of a typical nest is only about 9 weeks (1-2 weeks of building, 6 days of laying, 20 days of incubating and 4 weeks of nestlings) though they are hardy structures and can remain intact in a tree for years.  After the young fledge, the crows will not return to the nest.  Crows will only use a nest once, and generally only fledge one brood a year. They will, however, build on top of an old nest particularly in areas where nest trees are especially sparse like downtown Seattle. This also appears to be more common in the Midwest.

Avoiding conflicts

Most breeding related dive bombs occur as the result of a person being too close to a fledgling, but some crows get feisty around their nest too. Crows in areas where they are less persecuted (like cities) tend to be more aggressive than their rural counterparts. If you know where a nest is and can avoid it, do so and save everyone the aggravation. Otherwise carry an umbrella or paint eyes on the back of a hat. Crows rarely attack from the front so having eyes on the back of your head can be an effective deterrent!


Putting all this together to actually find nests, is one of the most rewarding moments an urban naturalist or crow enthusiast can have.  Be warned though: crows are wary of potential predators (including people) spying on them and they have a few tricks for throwing you off, so don’t be surprised if a nest location you were certain of turns out to have been a ruse!


Can you spot the nest? 

Have more questions? Let me know in the comments!



Filed under Birding, Breeding, Crow behavior, Crow life history, Crows and humans

287 responses to “Everything you want to know about crow nests

  1. Kenny G.

    Is there a “methodology” for locating raven’s and crow’s nests? It appears from the above that many people are really lucky to have a nest built right outside their homes. We haven’t been so lucky (yet) but I still think it would be very cool to locate some nests and observe the birds raising their young. We live in southern New Hampshire.

    • Earlier in the breeding season the easiest thing is to follow them as they carry sticks. Right now is a bit tricky because the female is mostly glued to the nest and they are not toing and froing as much. Once the kids hatch though they will be making regular deliveries. So just watch crows as they gather food and see where they go!

  2. Linda Gravlin

    Here in Burnaby BC we have a pair of crows build a nest in one of our trees. Eventually it became evident that incubating had begun. I could watch from our window. But for two days in a row now all activity has ceased.
    No one has harassed these crows.
    Is it possible they have abandoned the nest. It has been particularly cold and wet .

  3. Sandi

    I started feeding the neighborhood crows during Covid shut down. They’re fascinating to watch.

    They’ve gotten to know who I am and have followed me when I take a walk around the neighborhood. They will also come to the backyard almost immediately after I put out food.

    Today, I put out chicken eggs for them. As I watched them poke holes in the eggs and eat them, one did something I’ve never seen. She/he picked moss from the ground and used it to cover the egg. I took a picture of it because I’ve given them eggs many times and have never seen this behavior.

    I googled it, but nothing came up. There were more eggs out there but this crow only covered 1 with moss. It was like a cute little hat for the egg.

    They also use my big birdbath to wash food on occasion. I don’t mind, it’s not every day. I’ve never seen a crow nest but we have so many trees in this neighborhood and private woodland areas with little creeks of water that I assume that’s where the nest are built. Even birds want privacy!

    The oddest thing has occurred from feeding the crows chicken. The squirrels started stealing the chicken before the crows could arrive to eat it. I have never seen squirrels eat meat. They will pick up a large piece and disappear with it and they seem aware that if they don’t act fast, they’ll have crow competition.

    • Hi Sandi, the egg covering behavior you observed is called caching. Caching is when animals hid food for later. When crows do it they usually tuck small bits of food in the ground or other crevices and then pick some litter or vegetation to cover it with. My guess is that this is a young crow getting the ropes on this behavior. Pretty cute 🙂

    • Robert

      I think I am a neighbor.
      For Generations they have come to eat chicken and nest.

  4. Susan Muhrer

    I’ve been watching a couple of crows make their nest in a palm tree across from my second story window in an apartment. I watched them build it and finally she must of laid her eggs, because they took turns watching the nest from another tree. It gave me such joy every morning to have coffee and watch this crow family begin. then the tree trimmers came this morning, using a buzz saw, climbed up this 20 ft tree, cutitng back all frounds from this 30 yr old palm tree and left just 3 at the very top, with the two crows watching from a nearby rooftop. I actually tried to stop the trimmers when they arrived with their equipment. Short of strapping myself to the tree,
    I printed off the Ventura county ordinance about disturbing the nests. It fell on deaf ears. They looked at this 73 yr old woman as if I had dimentcia. I went back to my apartment and cried. It was so sad, both crows got as close as they could as the tree trimmers as they took down their equipment and cleared away the cuttings. If they had done this in February or even March, the crows wouldn’t have nested there. Now the palm tree, not trimmed of it’s over growth, but quickly shaved. And we wonder why climate change is happening. Humans don’t know how to adapt, and the animals are trying. I’m so sad today, not crazy, just very sad…..

    • I’m so sorry Susan. It’s awful that your (very valid and legally protected) concerns were ignored. It’s a shame that so many people have found themselves so removed from nature that they’ve lost their willingness to even consider it. Fortunately you have many friends who see things as you do. If you don’t follow her already, please check out June Hunter’s blog. I think you will find a shared soul there. https://urbannature.blog/2020/06/10/the-final-blow/

  5. I’ve been feeding a pair of crows for 3 or 4 years and enjoying their fledglings each spring. This year, it seemed the female was busy on the nest because only the male came by for his daily dog kibble. Today, I saw them both stripping small branches from a tree, like they were building a new nest. If crow eggs fail or are lost, will a pair start over again the same season or wait until the following year to try again? Thanks!

  6. Jonathan

    Hi – we have a crow’s nest in a chimney of a house we are developing. I don’t want to disturb it while the crows are nursing their young. What date will it be ok to clear the nest away?

    • Hi Jonathan, it take about 4 weeks from the time the young hatch to when they will leave. Once you see the young sitting around the nest cup they will be only a few days out from making their final departure. Without knowing when the eggs were laid though, I can’t give you a specific date. Are you able to actually see inside the nest? If you can send a picture I can try to give a better estimate. email it to kaelis@uw.edu

  7. Max Taffey

    This may sound like a weird question, but I figured I’d give it a shot! 🙂
    There is a crow that has been regularly flying up to a particular spot on my roof – it seems to be in the eavestrough so whatever it is doing is obscured from my vantage at ground-level, but it makes quite a racket that can be heard inside the bedroom directly beneath that spot. It will wake you out of a sound sleep – the first time I heard it, i thought it was heavy footsteps on my roof! It thumps and scratches as if it’s trying to get in the roof or something. I can’t imagine it would be building a nest there, but any ideas what else it might be doing? It’s there every day now. It’s a two-storey home, and I don’t have a ladder tall enough to get up there, and I’m not super excited about getting up on the roof in any case.

    • Hi Max! Well for better or worse you are not the first person to ask roughly this exact question (crows keep going on my roof and doing something noisy and weird). If they are not nesting then the next best explanation is that is has something to do with food (though this wasn’t a very satisfying answer to the person who had crows dropping rocks onto their roof every day). Maybe there’s some kind of insect colony living in a crack or crevice up there? I really can’t say for sure. But it might be worth checking out as if there is so something going on up there, crows are well resourced to cause some damage in pursuit of it. So for peace of mind you may want to rule that out. Maybe a friendly neighbor would be willing to help?

  8. Dee

    We have a crows nest in a tree by our drive way. We have been watching for weeks and leaving food and water. They seem not bothered by are coming and goings. We came home today and discovered a baby was dead on the drive way. It had started to grow feathers, it was about 4 inches. An older crow was hopping around in our yard. My heart sank and I felt so bad for this crow family. What should I do with the dead baby bird? We moved it to the base of the tree to get out of the hot sun. I don’t want the birds to think I harmed the baby.

    • Hi Dee, although accidents can happen and birds can get kicked out of the nest, when that happens at that age it can also be because the parents rejected them. Which is also sad, but as I told someone else recently, we need to trust that they know more about their own crow lives than we do and do things for a reason. After a day or so feel free to remove the baby and bury it in the ground or under a shrub at night. This will protect you from the crows seeing you. I hope some of the other babies make it!

  9. Donna

    For a long while, I observed a pair of Crows. Suddenly, for weeks now, there is only one (1). I worry about that lone Crow. Now, that lone Crow appears to be building a nest. I see if carrying twigs. I don’t know if it’s a male or a female. Will a lone Crow, one without a mate, still build a nest?

  10. Susan Laws

    A few days ago a raccoon killed and ate a crow in my pine tree. Crow feathers and wings on the ground. I assume it was nesting. Try as I might I cannot see a nest. Last year I was unfortunate enough to be out at night and heard the crow screaming as it was being atttacked. I love crows and wonder if there is a way to protect the nesters?

    • Hi Susan,
      Your compassion for these birds is really obvious and I appreciate you! As painful as it is, you must resist the urge to protect them their normal predators, just like it’s important that people resist the urge to protect other kinds of birds from crows. Predation is normal and necessary to both feed individuals animals and keep whole ecological systems flowing. I don’t envy that you heard that death throes; that truly sucks and it makes perfect sense you’d want to avoid that happening again. But life was transferred from one animal to another and in that way it’s maybe kind of comforting?

  11. Carol

    Crows have nested above our large family gathering/dining area. Not a problem yet; if they become aggressive, how should we move them out? Or ensure they don’t return again? Thank you

    • Hi Carol, once the crows lay, you’re prohibited by law from interfering with the nest. So for this nesting season, you’ll need to manage any aggression by altering your own behavior rather than theirs. Luckily that phase is usually pretty short (a matter of weeks). Moving forward you can try to thwart future nesting attempting in that spot by blocking up the area where they put the nest. Bird spikes don’t generally work for this; you’ll need to install a large object that will keep them out completely (like staple gunning a cardboard box to the spot they put the nest last year. Putting up there in March will do the trick.

  12. Nelutzu

    I use to feed the crows around my building, and I like to watch them when they are well fed and healthy. They socialize, fly in style, bug each other, sometimes even keep conferences together. But periodically some of them vanish. I think that the people from the nearby mall poison them, and the seagulls, to keep their numbers low. There are places around the city where they literally cover half of the sky. Probably farmers are not that happy with them around their fields. Wondering, maybe there are places where they are needed, so a catch and release can save them.

    • Hi Nelutzu, without knowing where you live I can’t say for sure, but in all likelihood that’s probably not realistic. Most species of crows that co-occur with people are quite abundant and there aren’t agencies available that would relocate them. I like where you’re head is at though!

    • Ginger Lester

      I thought crows didn’t come back to the same nest. I’ve got a nest outside on a large Blvd tree and the baby crows are attacking the dogs in mine and my neighbours’ yard. I was hopeful this may be a one time thing. Will other crow pairs use this nest? Should I have it removed once I the family leaves. We are adjacent to a school with small children who have also been dive bombed.

      • They don’t typically reuse the same nest but they will sometimes reuse the same nest tree. So removing the old nest won’t do much to address the issue. Baby crows don’t typically go after anyone because they don’t have those skills yet but their parents certainly will in an effort to protect them. Hopefully they pick a different spot next year

  13. Traci

    Hello! I apologize if this has been asked already. I feel so lucky that a crow family built a nest right outside of my office window. It was the most amazing thing to watch transpire. Only one fledgling was seen, who has now been gone for almost a week. At what point is it safe for me to remove the nest? I want to save it before property management destroys it! Thank you!

  14. Pingback: Do Crows Eat Other Birds? - The Whole Portion

  15. Naomi

    Hello. I observed a crow doing something I’ve never seen before. It was on a lawn and flattening itself right into the grass, spreading it’s wings out so it could get right into the ground, to the point all you saw was it’s head and wings. After it flew away, I went to look at where it was doing that and it didn’t look like anything special about that ground or grass. Do you have any idea what it was doing?

  16. Prateek

    A crow is frightening me.
    He comes near my head from behind to frighten me.
    2-3 meters from my roof is his nest in which
    Eggs are visible.
    After how many days will his children be able to fly.
    Then I will Break Nest.
    He didn’t let me do yoga and other stuffs.

  17. Pingback: Are Crows Dangerous To Humans, Dogs, Cats? - What You Need To Know!

  18. I climb the trees and kill em after I seen a crow kill a bunch of robin babies. If they want to be bullies il help even the score. Always .plus it’s good exercise to climb a 60 ft tree when il be 60
    this yr.lol

    • What bad luck for crows that simply existing as omnivores and occasionally predators is a death sentence in your eyes. But of course, that’s why predators are so often persecuted be it wolves or cougars or bald eagles. Humans have a remarkable capacity to hate animals for engaging in the same behaviors as ourselves (being social, making noise, eating other animals, etc.)

      • DEBRA A YOST

        Dude needs to be reported & arrested. In most states, crows are protected, having been classified as game birds for which no hunting season is established. But they are still likely to be shot at in some rural areas, though scientists say this can be a grave mistake.

    • Bonnie

      Karma’s a bitch Dude.

      Love CROWS!

  19. Jenny

    My crow family, Aethelred and his mate, Aethelfitz, are bringing their third year of fledges. I have bird baths under the trees and put out peanuts and seeds every day. Aethelred has become friendly. He flies me to the barn, a few blocks away, and sits on the fence when I ride my horses. Last week he flew straight to me in the arena and started a loud kerfuffle. I rode after him. His fledge was on the ground and couldn’t get back in the tree. I put the baby back in the tree, and Aethelred was pleased. (He did his clicking, humming thing.) This morning, the three fledges and parents were all in the bird bath at the same time. Do crows often ask humans for help?

  20. Dale

    I have crows every year in the internal courtyard of my apartment building. Is it ordinary for 3 crows to build/care for the same nest?


  21. Jessica Apodaca

    I work in a medical building, and I found the nest outside the window on the 5th flooor. I walk the atairs daily, so I watched as they built it. Then, I saw the 5 turquoise colored eggs I. It. Then, the next day, it looked like the eggs were covered up with more twigs. I can’t see the eggs any more. It’s been about 2 weeks now and I am curious if the eggs got moved? I found another larger nest on the window above, but I can only see the bottom of it. I am wondering if I scared the parent birds off because I would look out the window as I walked up and down the stairs on my 10 minute breaks. One of them even fluffed up their feathers in what looked to be defensive manor. I also observed one of the birds sitting on the nest and the other bird came and omited in the other bird’s mouth. Is that normal? Then, shortly after that day was when they either moved the eggs or just covered them up. Can those eggs hatch under the layer of sticks and still survive.

    • Hi Jessica, so the food sharing behavior you saw is normal. This is how the male feeds the female while she’s incubating. As for the eggs, I’m sorry to tell you there were eaten. Crows don’t cover them with sticks or move them around. The nest was depredated by a predator. If it’s early enough in the season they will renest and try again elsewhere!

  22. Jamilu Ahmad

    Does crow use another eggs of someone to become his own egg to fertilize

  23. Lisa

    good knowledge but I wanted to know if all crows go to the Rookie or do some stay in the trees 🌲?

  24. Deirdre

    Hi, we live in a rural area and have tonnes of wildlife meandering about. From our resident Coopers Hawk family to owls (both horned and barred), raccoons, deer etc. Our yard is a nice size, not big but nicely landscaped with lots of greenery. We have a huge, rectangular laurel bush, taller than our house, that separates our front yard and back yard. The short end sits in line with our large kitchen window about 3ft from the house so we have a perfect view of nesting birds. However, this year we have a family of crows, attempting, to build their nest in it. It’s right beside a main entry door and highly used sidewalk, we have an 11 year old son who is constantly running back and forth between yards. You brush the laurel as you pass. We have taken 4 attempted nests down so far as we feel the crows will become aggressive once they lay and the area is unavoidable. I feel bad that I’m destroying a home and even talk nicely to them as I do it, parent to parent lol. I want to know if this is the right move for protecting our family/friends and the crows from being disturbed once they lay, or if I should just let them finish and see what happens. Would love your thoughts.

    • Hi Deirdre, they certainly can become aggressive though this is more common in cities. Technically once nest building starts you are not allowed to dismantle the nest since they are a protected species (yes, even though you can legally hunt them…laws are complicated). Better to block the area to keep them from starting.

  25. Hi! I have a pair of crows building a nest on my roof. I want to be welcoming but I also don’t know if I should be. We have doves and pigeons up there too that I’d like the crows to frighten off but I know those birds can be damaging to the roofing. What about crows?

    • Crows can be especially if you have shingles. I know people have emailed me in the past complaining that crows are damaging or removing shingles as they search for food.

  26. Bonnie Healy

    I am having a delightful time watching crows build a nest in a tree right outside my sunroom here in White Rock, BC! This morning there was great drama when a squirrel appeared in their tree and I watched him beat a hasty retreat – do they pose a danger to the nest or are they just a nuisance? What does pose a danger to the nest? They seem to be at the stage of bringing soft material to line the nest so I suspect it may almost be time for eggs – so exciting!

    • Ho Bonnie, squirrels are big time nest predators (as are corvids). So crows are right to keep it away. They are so fun to watch, aren’t they?

      • bonniehealy99

        Thank you for your reply, it was great fun, but sadly they abandoned it and built another nest in the schoolyard across the street. I’m still keeping my fingers crossed the others are decoys and mine will be the chosen one! 🙂

  27. Grace Arpie

    I have a pair of crows in my neighborhood (in Connecticut) who I’ve watched now for about a month (and am attempting to befriend with peanuts). I watched them gather nesting materials for a couple weeks, and now for the most recent couple of weeks they’ve gone largely silent and one, who I assume is the male, often perches high in trees around the neighborhood, close to the white pine the nest is in. When he’s in a tree across the street I can usually get him to come down for some peanuts, some of which he’ll eat and then he’ll usually take at least a couple to go. I assume his perching means he’s guarding the nest and/or their territory? He seems to have favored perches that he rotates throughout the day.

    I’m very lucky in that I work from home so I’ve been able to observe so much crow behavior! I’ve wanted to befriend them for years and I’m so happy to be making some progress. They’re just fascinating and beautiful birds. I’m just curious about the male’s behavior while the female incubates eggs, since I hadn’t been able to find much about this perching habit.

  28. Keith Randall

    my wife and I started by feeding our squirrels. It’s soon became a feeding frenzy for the neighborhood crows. We would get up to 20 at a time which irritated my neighbors and pleased me to no end. Recently, we only have two crows that run the others off. these two crows are also nesting nearby. Is this normal? It’s like they claimed our house and peanuts as theirs and they no longer share with others. Previously we put out peanuts the whole neighborhood came running or I should say flying.

  29. moira esson

    hi, I need some advice! We have crows nesting in the chimney breast on our gable wall. We need to wait until the nest is vacated but when is this likely to be? We live in Scotland and signs of nest building became apparent about first week in April. Hopefully you can help.

    thank you


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