A story you might enjoy

Generally speaking, I don’t write posts advertising specific stories or news articles about my work.  I figure anything going in those stories is all stuff you can get firsthand here, and of course I link to all of them on my ‘In the Media’ page so they’re never far out of reach anyway.  But I wanted to put out a special post about Vicki Croke’s article for the WBUR’s The Wild Life blog.  Most of the time when people write about me, the blog is a footnote, a way to learn more if you wish, but not something mentioned specifically.  As a follower of this blog, I imagine you have some idea how much time and effort I put into it (as much a grad student’s life allows for it, anyway) so I was extremely flattered and honored when Vicki made the blog a focal point of the article.  Given the supportive community we have built here together, I thought you especially would enjoy reading this piece.  Let me know what you think of it in the comments and thank you for your continued presence here and passion for crows.


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12 responses to “A story you might enjoy

  1. adexterc

    I have already written you about your blog so I will not repeat again. But really? I’m the first (only?) comment?

    • Hi Dexter, no you’re just the first to comment on this specific post, which was only published yesterday. If you look at the “About me” page, or some of the older posts, you’ll find 100’s of comments. There’s a great community on here, if you do some searching through those comment sections you’ll find lots of great stories and people!

  2. This article is the reason I tracked down your blog and web site. It IS a great article. I love crows, and have a “family” of them that visits me every morning to receive scraps of bread, peanuts, and now Cheetos. Thanks for sharing your work!

  3. Christine Hempleman

    I recently took the N Cascades Institute course you taught with J Marzluff and enjoyed it greatly. it’s a pleasure to see this article about your interesting work. The male of my “family” has recognized my car in the parking lot of a small grocery store 1/2 mile from my house, and at the adjacent bus stop. And it always makes me smile when (as you describe) they fly along outside my car window wanting a peanut. Haven’t tried Cheetos yet, but thank for the tip!

    • It was a pleasure to have you in class Christine! I know, isn’t it funny when they do that? Such persistent buggers. Love them! I wouldn’t recommend cheetos as a regular treat (there were reasons I needed to use them) but a better high quality treat is a bit of meat or fat scraps. Couple cheetos here and there won’t kill anybody, but what’s junk food for use is junk food for them too 🙂

  4. This is great. I’m in the same boat as you with balancing the focus on academic writing with the more social, sometimes more creative, side of my blog. It can be a lot of fun to bring our academic work to a different method of communication, so it’s great to see that get mentioned and highlighted in that article for you!

  5. Sally Christenson

    Love them! Thank you. I am so grateful for any thing you can share.

  6. Great article! I think about our June class every day and have forwarded your blog a number of times. The crow pair in my yard has three chicks! I wish you’d come by and take a look…

    • I wish I had the time! Unfortunately my summer turned from lots of time watching crows to lots of inside time writing about them (but not the ‘fun’ writing that goes here, unfortunately).

  7. Christian

    You deserve it. This is a great blog (best I know).
    Found it a few years ago;.. think I’ve read all of your posts here.
    Been observing carrion crows here in Germany for 5 years now.
    They’re very similar to american crows in many aspects.
    My fascination has still not gone at all, crows shine a light on my life
    and so does your blog..
    Thanks a lot!

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